Ulladulla Lion's
Pre-loved Bookshop
Ulladulla Lion's Pre-loved Bookshop
Shop Address
Lions Preloved Bookshop
Bellbrook Arcade
NSW 2539
Trading Hours
Donations of good quality books, CDs, DVDs and jigsaws are welcome. Due to space limitations magazines, encyclopedias or technical books are not accepted.
Please contact us to find out more.
About Our Bookshop
The Lions Preloved Bookshop opened in Bellbrook Arcade, Ulladulla on 31st August 2013 and is operated by the Bookshop members who are full Lions members but operate as a branch club of the Ulladulla-Milton Lions Club.
Bookshop members have regular shifts that they work each week. The profit from the Bookshop goes to the Lions Community Foundation and Bookshop members decide where the money should be spent locally. Currently the major project is the Jindelara complex in Ulladulla, a local respite care facility.
Thousands of books have been sold over the past years – some of them several times over as they are usually donated back to the Bookshop which doesn’t buy books or exchange them.
Modern fiction is the most popular seller, but classics and non-fiction are also available. The shop also sells Lions Christmas cakes all year round. The shop has many regular customers who enjoy talking to the members and choosing their books – the shop is a great Lions project working for the community.

A Brief History
In 2013 the members of Ulladulla Milton Lions Club were contemplating ways to raise funds that would not be significantly affected by the weather. Lions Gerry Halliday and Jan Wayland suggested a book shop. After some lengthy discussions by the Lions membership, 8 or 10 of the executive members arranged to visit the Sussex Inlet bookshop to investigate the viability of a similar venture here in Ulladulla. Their reconnaissance completed, their report to the Club suggested that, especially with the larger population of Ulladulla, a preloved bookshop would do well and soon the hunt was on for suitable premises.
After negotiations for a couple of other venues fell through, the current premises in Bellbrook Arcade were negotiated and finalised. Most of the furniture was donated, the book stands all came from a video store nearby that was closing and over a period of about three months, donated books came flooding in (a lot from Sussex Inlet) were sorted into their various categories and worked into the layout of the shop.
During this process Greg Best was very helpful and supportive and it was suggested that the members who would be involved with the shop should form their own club. Well, a worn path never runs smooth and eventually a Branch Club was suggested and investigated as it would be autonomous but still under the umbrella of the main club. And so it was that our little bookshop and the Lions Preloved Bookshop Branch Club was formed.
There were various suggestions as to where all the money raised should go, with our bookshop members discussing all the options suggested at great length. Eventually The Jindelara Foundation was chosen to be the sole beneficiary which meant that all the funds raised would stay in the community and benefit those living with significant disabilities, and their families and carers. The only exceptions to that rule have been $1000 to the Mayberry/Stavlos families to help gift 2 cuddle cots to the Bowral and St. George Hospitals. $5000 to the Drought Appeal and $6404 (1 month’s trade) towards the Ronald McDonald House being built at Nowra to support all the children needing treatment from our area.
In our first year of trading, we raised $50,000 and that amount has climbed every year since then. We take great pride in Jindelara Cottage, and the progress being made at present for independent living for people with limited ability. This project is something that was desperately needed in our community and with the help from the Bookshop and the support we get from the community, and with the help of our many regular visitors travelling between Victoria and Newcastle who drop off boxes of books every trip through, the Lions Preloved Bookshop will continue to grow and support the Ulladulla Milton Community with pride.